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"MARK STELLINGA'S BOOKSTORE plus my 61-year portfolio of legitimate, quality "rhyme and meter" POETRY."

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FYI - I've been penning childrens books, suspense novellas, a big old suspense novel, and what I call "commercial verse" for many years now, and, at 75-years-old (in 2025), I felt it was time to begin again to self publish some of my work in order to share it with those who appreciate" : 1) "intriguing circumstances", 2) "adventurous situations", and 3) high quality rhyme-and-meter verse, which, I might add, has too long been surprisingly scarce.

There are several books here for youngsters, as well as some for adults, along with oodles and oodles of the very type of poetry that, prior to the early 1900s, made it an easy genre to actually sell. That's what I mean by "commercial verse" -it RHYMES...and is typically a bit easier to comprehend, or 'get', than a lot of contemporary "poetry".

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Here's what I have to offer you at this time, and, hopefully, there will be much more to come:

And, don't forget, you can read a few examples of my poetry by clicking on any of the poetry books' covers, and thereby visiting my "poetry page". Please browse away, there's a lot to consider, and thanks so much for dropping in...I hope you'll bookmark my site!

My "Buster Boogernose" series
Buster Boogernose
Just click on the book covers above to learn all about my wonderful 10-episodes-series of middle-grade children's books.

Though primarily aimed at youngsters ages 7 to 14, they make wonderful "readers" for parents, grandparents, even babysitters, that are anxious to spend quality time with the younger children in their lives. Each book takes approximately 60 to 90 minutes for most kids to read. These are truly excellent and wholesome substitutes for much of social media and too many of today's cyber-games.

There are 10 family-friendly books in this particular series, and, in the novels section below, there is a fast paced adventure book titled "Satellite Detectives" that is also great for children ages 7 - 14 that all kids will definitely enjoy.


Click on any cover below to learn more about that particular book. NOTE: While "Satellite Detectives" is primarily aimed at kids ages 7 - 14, the rest of this group is primarily intended for those over 14.

Murder on the Bus cover Satellite Detectives cover The Bus Stop Assassin cover Da Burnin' Place cover Bid Dog, Little Dog cover
Murder on the Bus Satellite Detectives The Bus Stop Assassin Da Burnin' Place Big Dog, Little Dog
"A Lyrical Look at Life", volumes 1 thru 4, plus my 2 special, more recent 'new and selected poems' books titled: "My Sentiments Exactly" - and - "A Treasure Trove of Rhyme".

This is my 4 volume set of poetry books, with 50 poems in each volume. Many are narrative in nature and will either greatly amuse you, or literally make you cry. So say my readers. Just click on the book covers below and learn how you can get your copy of any one - or all 4 - today.

NOTE: My 5th book of verse, entitled "My Sentiments Exactly," which is comprised of 137 of my latest works, (including 100 of my personal favorites from my 4 "Lyrical Look at Life" collections) - is also available. Note: a few hardcover copies were still available as of August of 2023, and that special hardcover series has 150 poems in it. Be sure to check out the very flattering review / blurb I received from prestigious Texas Poet Laureate - Red Steagall.

Volumes 1 through 4 of "A Lyrical Look at Life" are only $6.00 each, or you can purchase all 4 books for just $20, plus appropriate postage.

The paperback copies of "My Sentiments Exactly" (which is illustrated) are priced at just $25.00, plus appropriate postage, and I am currently offering the hardcopy editions of "My Sentiments Exactly" - while they last - for the same low price."

And my latest book of verse, "a Treasure Trove of Rhyme", (which is also illustrated) and with 167 of my favorite pieces, and in HARD-COVER, is also priced at just $25.00 (originally $29.95), plus appropriate postage!!

NOTE: There are a few randomly selected examples of my verse posted on the my inner "poetry page", as well as on YouTube & Ebay (as of 2-7-25), that will give you a good idea of what to expect ----

Enjoy the various samples, thanks for looking...and please stop back soon...

Lyrical Look volume 1 Lyrical Look volume 2 Lyrical Look volume 3 Lyrical Look volume 4 My Sentiments Exactly A Treasure 
Trove of Rhyme

"Something for Everyone" -- AUDIO BOOKS - Volumes 1 - 4.

This is my new (2023) 4-volume set of AUDIO CDs, with 62 poems on each CD. Many are narrative in style, all will tweak your imagination, and many will either seriously amuse you, or make you tear-up. So say my readers and listeners. Just click on the CD covers below to learn how you can get your copy of any one - or all 4 - today.

Volumes 1 through 4 of "Something for Everyone" are only $14.95 each, or you can purchase all 4 Audio books for just $50, plus appropriate postage.

BTW -- There are a few randomly selected examples of my sometimes hard-to-find traditional verse posted just inside on the "inner poetry page" that will give you an idea of what to expect from poet - Mark Stellinga.

Enjoy the several samples, thank you for looking...and please stop back soon.

Something for Everyone 1 Something for Everyone 2 Something for Everyone 3 Something for Everyone 4
Something for Everyone 1 Something for Everyone 2 Something for Everyone 3 Something for Everyone 4
Here's where I've posted more than 550 of my most-appreciated poems (with more to come) in 11 separate categories (by theme), all composed over the past 63 years (as of 2025). So help yourself to a feast of METER - and - RHYME in the good old late 1800s, traditional style of top notch poets like Edgar Allen Poe, Rudyard Kipling, and Lord Byron, and more contemporary "rhymers" like Robert Frost, Baxter Black, and the fabulous - Red Steagall, to name just a few of the finest.
Each of the 11 links below leads to one of the individual categories I've broken my poetry portfolio into, and launches a .PDF text file. There are approximately 600 pieces to enjoy! A few sets may take as long as 30 SECONDS to DOWNLOAD, but, trust me, if you enjoy traditional and, for the most part, "meaningful" verse, it's worth the wait! The .PDF file that each link downloads into allows you to choose whatever application you prefer to read a great deal of my 61 years (2023) spent penning verse. Lovers of METER-and-RHYME will definitely appreciate these 11 'miniature manuscripts'. NOTE: All my books and poetry are copyrighted to Mark H. Stellinga. All rights are reserved. No part of any of my works may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, information storage, or retrieval systems without the express written permission of the author or current copyright holder.
For those who enjoy being read to, this next section (as of 2/25) offers a few of my new AUDIO files - in the friendly MP3 format - with, at some point, another 240+ pieces waiting to be posted!

This is the only book of its kind! A 5 lb., gift-quality, coffee-table hardcover that promises hours of surprise, fascination, and enjoyment!
Pool and Billiard Collectibles Noted author, instructor and billiard historian, Robert Byrne, said of "Pool & Billiard Collectibles": "A fabulous book. A feast for the eye, and full of fascinating information."

With over 1,000 late 1800s to early 1900s items priced, and more than 800 beautiful, high resolution, color photographs, this truly is the quintessential, coffee-table rendition for today's antique billiards enthusiasts and connoisseurs.

A one-of-a-kind tribute to the finest era of a sport that spans more than SIX centuries, and was practiced by kings, queens, and paupers alike, all over the world, particularly in Europe!

Click the Pool & Billiard Collectibles book cover to see several sample images, and learn how to order your copy today.

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